Interface Update
I have added another New Zealand photo to the Land & Sea gallery. I like this one. We drove along the shore of Lake Rotorua late in the afternoon on a misty dull day. There was low cloud on the surrounding hills and it was getting all 'atmospheric'. New Zealand is good at 'atmospheric'. Maybe that is why the Lord of the Rings was filmed there. The shutter speed was getting rather slow, but I had a monopod with me so I didn't have to rely on my doubtful low-light skills.I removed one image from the gallery to make room for it. It was one that embarressed me somewhat, having been taken a long time ago and rather clumsily manipulated.
We seem to be developing a wind theme
I know it might say more about me than I am happy to reveal, but this site fascinates me. I can't stop. Help. (It needs sound.)Isn't the Internet great, millions and millions of interlinked computers and technology, just so that we can play fart noises from across the world.Let's hear it for Mr. Nice Hands.
Raindrops Keep Falling...
Just had an SMS message from VLine Whinger, an ex workmate and commuting companion. It has been rainy pretty much all day here in Sunny Melbourne (tm) and the new wavy roof at Spencer Street (sorry, Southern Cross) station has provided much entertainment for the weary workers travelling home. The roof catches a lot of water, and dumps quite a bit of it on the platforms below. Wavy and Leaky!
We are Sailing, We are Sailing...
And yet another image from the great balloon expedition of '06. We are well on our way to our eventual landing ground at Box Hill, looking back at a companion balloon and the city. The Melbourne Cricket Ground is in the bottom left corner.
It has been raining all day to day. Too wet for me to take my camera out for a spin. Just how water resistant are DSLRs anyway?
Here is another photo from the great balloon trip, or “Around the City in 80 Minutes”. Our pilot Nick inflates the balloon. The heat and roar from the burner was impressive.
Blowin' in the Wind
According to a presenter on the ABC (Australia) TV show The New Inventors, methane is 25 times worse than carbon as a greenhouse gas, contributing to climate change.So, does this mean if I stop farting I can drive my Mustang faster?
Up, Up and Away...
Just got back from a fantastic balloon flight over the city of Melbourne and suburbs, followed by a champagne breakfast at the Grand Hyatt. Thanks to Nick and the team from Balloon Sunrise for a great morning.
Unfortunately I wasn’t paying quite enough attention to the shutter speeds in the low light. As a result, I have a number of not entirely sharp images. I guess I just can’t hand hold at a 20th of a second in a moving balloon any more. I still managed to get several nice shots and they might make an appearance on the website soon.
The New Interface Website is Up
The new InterfacePublications website has just gone live, under its own domain name.I don't have time to sanity test it right now. It's late, I'm tired and I have to get up very early to catch a balloon.
Interface Joins the Blog World
Today Interface Publications steps into the world of blogging.